Exhibitions & Events

Special exhibitions

Temporary exhibitions are staged in the Exhibition Hall at the Museum.  Curated by Museum volunteers, they focus on some particular aspect of life in the Furneaux Islands, or may sometimes showcase new Museum acquisitions or objects too fragile to be put on permanent display. Occasionally the Museum hosts visiting exhibitions.

Current exhibition

‘CUSTODIANS… a selection of our Significant Treasures’ is about ‘Caring for the Past for the Future’.

Since 1965 many people passionate about preserving the history of the Furneaux Group and Flinders Island have worked to create and build on our comprehensive collection. The Furneaux Museum is well recognised for its collection and its significance.
This exhibition arose from the work done in 2023 by a team of Furneaux Museum volunteer members, who carried out a detailed assessment of the local, state and national historical significance of a selection of items held in the Museum. It was curated with the assistance of a grant from Tasports.

Treasures throughout the Museum are waiting to tell you their story.

Some of our past exhibitions:
Shipwrecks of the Furneaux Group
> Lonely Graves of the Furneaux Islands
> Music and Dance in the Furneaux Islands 
> Quirky Objects


Flying by the Seat of their Pants, 2022-23

Music and Dance in the Furneaux Islands, 2014

Ten Island Stories, 2021